- Drinks 饮料
Items with star are recommended by our chef and patrons
SGD 2.20
水蜜桃 (bottled)
SGD 2.20
SGD 1.65
酸梅汤 (bottled)
SGD 2.20
SGD 2.20
如意多多 (bottled)
SGD 3.30
苹果汽水 (canned)
SGD 1.65
菊花茶 (canned)
SGD 1.65
雪碧 (canned)
SGD 1.65
冰糖雪梨 (Bottle)
SGD 2.50
绿茶 (bottled)
SGD 2.20
矿泉水 (bottled)
SGD 1.10
王老吉 (canned)
SGD 2.20
芒果小酪 (bottled)
SGD 2.20
100plus (canned)
SGD 1.65
脉动 (bottled)
SGD 3.30
乌龙茶 (canned)
SGD 1.65
冰糖雪梨 (Bottle)
SGD 2.20
冰红茶 (bottled)
SGD 2.20
绿茶 (canned)
SGD 1.65
酸梅汤 (bottled)
SGD 2.50
冰红茶 (bottled)
SGD 2.50
芒果小酪 (bottled)
SGD 2.50
SGD 2.50
SGD 2.50
绿茶 (bottled)
SGD 2.50
水蜜桃 (bottled)
SGD 2.50
脉动 (bottled)
SGD 3.00
矿泉水 (bottled)
SGD 1.00
如意多多 (bottled)
SGD 3.00
王老吉 (canned)
SGD 2.00
SGD 1.70
雪碧 (canned)
SGD 1.70
乌龙茶 (canned)
SGD 1.70
绿茶 (canned)
SGD 1.70
苹果汽水 (canned)
SGD 1.70
100plus (canned)
SGD 1.70
菊花茶 (canned)
SGD 1.70
Wang Lao Ji 王老吉
SGD 2.00
Coke 可乐
SGD 1.50
100 Plus 100号
SGD 1.50
SGD 1.50
Qingdao beer (bottled) 青岛啤酒
SGD 7.00
Xue Hua Snow Beer (bottled) 雪花啤酒
SGD 7.00
SGD 1.50
冰糖雪梨 (bottled) - 康师傅系列
SGD 2.00
Master Kong Sour Plum (bottled) 酸梅汤 - 康师傅系列
SGD 2.00
Master Kong Iced Red Tea (bottled) 冰红茶 - 康师傅系列
SGD 2.00
Master Kong Mango Yogurt (bottled) 芒果小酪 - 康师傅系列
SGD 2.00
Master Kong Honey Pomelo (bottled) 蜂蜜柚子 - 康师傅系列
SGD 2.00
Master Kong Jasmine Honey Green Tea (bottled) 茉莉蜜茶 - 康师傅系列
SGD 2.00
Master Kong Green Tea (bottled) 绿茶 - 康师傅系列
SGD 2.00
Master Kong Peach (bottled) 水蜜桃 - 康师傅系列
SGD 2.00
Master Kong Mineral Water (bottled) 矿泉水 - 康师傅系列
SGD 1.50
脉动 (bottled) - 康师傅系列
SGD 3.00
蜂蜜柠檬 Honey Lemon Drink
SGD 3.00
蜂蜜芦荟 Honey Aloe Vera
SGD 3.00
蜂蜜百香果 Honey Passion Fruit
SGD 3.00
红枣龙眼茶 Longan Red Dates
SGD 3.00
蜂蜜小麦草 Honey Wheatgrass
SGD 3.00
洋参菊花茶 Ginseng Chrysanthemum tea
SGD 3.00
竹蔗马蹄 Sugarcane Water Chestnut
SGD 3.00
冬瓜薏米水 Winter Melon Barley
SGD 3.00
洋参罗汉果 Ginseng Luo Han Guo
SGD 3.00
桔子酸梅 Honey Lime w/sour Plum
SGD 3.00